Officers 2021-2022

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Chair: Geri (Nai Chieh) Tien, Ph.D., LMFT (she/her/hers)

Clinical Manager of Behavioral Health Clinic, Asian Pacific Development Center
Adjunct Faculty of University of Denver and University of Northern Colorado

Couples and Family therapy, Systemic Therapy, Multiculturalism, Refugee and Immigrant psychology

Denver, Colorado, USA

Doctoral Program: University of Northern Colorado
Internship Program: Aurora Mental Health Center
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese
Background: Born and raised in Taiwan, it will always be my home country even after being in the US for over 14 years
Other Interests: I enjoy hiking, biking, spending time with friends, also love traveling with my family (my 2 y/o daughter has been on more than 35 flights already-we go everywhere!) I’m definitely a foodie, love trying new and traditional food of any kind.
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Chair-Elect: Christine Juang, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Clinical Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences 
Stanford School of Medicine

Geropsychology, behavioral sleep medicine, general mental health

Doctoral Program: University of Southern California
Internship Program: VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Languages: Mandarin Chinese, English
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Past Chair: Chu-Chun Fu, 傅筑君, Ph.D.

Project Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
National Taiwan University

International Student adjustment, Career Development, Perfectionism, Teaching of Psychology

Doctoral Program: University of Missouri
Internship Program: University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center
Languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, French
Background: I was born in Taiwan, but lived abroad growing up due to my father’s job (e.g. Mauritius, Belgium, Switzerland).  Moved to the US for graduate school in 2007 and after living in the US for more than a decade, we’ve recently moved back to Taiwan.
Other Interests: I have two young children (N age 8 and J age 4), so much of my free time revolves around them (we love all sorts of toys as a family).
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Membership Officer: Wei-Chiao Hsu, Ph.D., LPC (she/her/hers)

Staff Psychologist, University Health Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison

College mental health, behavioral health, supervision, trauma-informed therapy, antiracist racial healing

Madison, WI, USA Doctoral

Doctoral Program: University of British Columbia 
Internship Program: University of British Columbia Student Counselling Services
Languages: Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, Hakka
Background: Born and raised in Taiwan, worked as a special education teacher and administrator in New Taipei for 5 years, trained in and been practicing psychotherapy in the U.S. and Canada for more than 10 years. 
Other Interests: hiking, being in the nature, biking, photography, playing guitar/ukulele and singing with my band, traveling, LEGO.
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Financial Officer: Wen-Chi (Annie) Wang, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Adjunct Assistant Professor at National University of Tainan, freelance consultant

Parental support, international adoption, child development, program implementation and evaluation

Tainan, Taiwan

Doctoral Program/Master’s Program: University of Pittsburgh (PhD), Boston College (MA)
Internship Program: Franciscan Children’s in Boston, MA
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, French
Background: Born and raised in Tainan until 7th grade. Studied in Paris for six years and then studied and worked in the US for 18 years. Relocated back to Tainan in the year of 2020.
Other Interests: I love fresh flowers, nature, yummy foods, fashion, and interior design. I do yoga and meditation to de-stress, and I recently started Ballet for fun.
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Public Relations Officer: Yu-Yun Liu, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Staff Psychologist and Co-Coordinator of Eating Concerns Assessment & Services at UChicago Student Wellness

Body image and eating disorders; cultural adjustment of international students; intersecting identities of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation; relationship issues

Chicago, IL, USA

Doctoral Program: University of Louisville Counseling Psychology 
Internship Program: University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center 
Languages: Mandarin Chinese, English 
Background: I studied Chinese Literature in college in Taiwan, before switching my field of study to Counseling Psychology in the U.S. Have always appreciated the intersection of humanities and social sciences. 
Other Interests: A proud plant parent as I have been into indoor gardening and houseplants lately.  
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Taiwan Coordinator: Yi-Fang (Evon) Chiu, 邱逸芳, M.Ed.

Multicultural Counseling, Life Coaching


Doctoral Program/Master’s Program: University of San Francisco, M.Ed in Counseling Psychology  
Internship Program: City of Fremont, Youth and Family Services. Also worked with South East Asian autistic children and hospice elderly in the Silicon Valley.
Languages: Mandarin, Taiwanese, English 
Background: I grew up in Taipei, completed college/master’s/internship in northern California. Later worked as a life coach in San Francisco for 3 years before returning to Taiwan. From 2015-2018, I lived in Taitung for 3 years helping an experimental school build up a counseling center. Now I am doing private practice in Taipei/Taichung with multicultural clients, particularly with the expat community and “Third Culture Kids”.
Other Interests: badminton, hiking, hot spring bath, trying new restaurants! 

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Professional Development Officer: Christine Chang, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Adjunct Faculty, PsyD program, University of San Francisco
Clinical Faculty, PsyD program, Wright Institute
Clinical Faculty, Gronowski Center, Palo Alto university
Private Practice 

Contemporary psychodynamic theories and practices (e.g., AEDP); Treatments for anxiety, grief, and complex trauma (e.g., intergenerational trauma); Asian/Asian American mental health

SF Bay Area, California

Doctoral Program/Master’s Program:
M.Ed. in Human Development and Psychology, Harvard University 
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Loyola University Chicago
Internship Program: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Stanford University
Languages: Mandarin, English
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Director of Board Member (Psychologist Representative): Pei-Wen Winnie Ma, 馬培雯, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Parent-child relationships, career development, and culturally responsive mental health interventions for immigrants and ethnic minority children, youth, and families

New Jersey, USA

Doctoral Program/Master’s Program: PhD in Counseling Psychology (2006), Teachers College, Columbia University
Internship Program: Gouverneur Health Services-NY (2005-2006)
Languages: Mandarin, English
Background: I was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. I came to the US when I was 12, but I went back to Taiwan a year later to attend middle and high school. My undergraduate and graduate education were all in the US. I considered myself a 1.5 generation immigrant.  
Other Interests: Travel, books, movies, shopping, and enjoying food.
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Director of Board Member (Student Representative): Léi Y. Sun, M.S.Ed (she/her/hers)

Ph.D. student, Counseling Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

Psychotherapy processes, attachment theory, cultural identity formation; Depth- and relationship-oriented psychotherapies; personality disorders

Miami, FL, USA

Doctoral Program/Master’s Program: Ph.D. student in counseling psychology at the University of Miami
Languages: English, Mandarin, French
Background: I was born in Taipei City, Taiwan, to a biracial family. I have lived in Taiwan and France before moving to the U.S. for college. I majored in English and Philosophy at UCLA and obtained my master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy prior to my doctoral training.
Other Interests: I like to bake, paint, dance, and listen to classic rock songs in my spare time. I also enjoy fashion, outdoor activities and quality time with friends.
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Secretary/Historian: Joanna Huang, 黃沛恩, M.A. (she/her/hers)

Doctoral student in clinical psychology

Neuropsychology, assessment, multiculturalism

Pasadena, CA, USA

Doctoral Program/Master’s Program: Fuller Theological Seminary, Graduate School of Psychology
Internship Program: Currently applying!
Languages: English, Mandarin, a few Taiwanese phrases
Background: I was born in Taipei and lived in Taiwan until I moved to Denver, Colorado at age 4. I lived there for several years before moving back to Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Taipei) to finish elementary and middle school. Then I moved to Southern California for high school and have been in the area since then.
Other Interests: I love cats and bubble tea/boba tea. In my free time, I enjoy playing board games (e.g., mahjong!) with my friends and family. I also really miss traveling and can’t wait to travel to Taiwan and Japan when I’m done with graduate school.
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Webmaster: Katelyn Wang (she/her/hers)

Student Intern

Computer Science

La Crescenta, CA, USA

School: University of California, Irvine
Languages: English, Mandarin (Basic)
Background: I was born in Taiwan but moved to America when I was nine months old. I moved around when I was younger due to my dad’s job and have lived in Pennsylvania, California, Illinois, and Missouri.
Other Interests: In my free time, I like to bake, read, and play piano. I also love trivia and solving puzzles.